
Movie Review 2-05

"School of Rock" is an American comedy movie in 2003. This movie is about one rock musician changing strict school students through rock music.

Dewey Finn (Jack Black) is the guitarist and singer in his heavy metal and hard rock band. He loves rock music and his band, but one day, he is fired from the band. In addition, he lives an apartment in which his best friend, Ned Schneebly (Mike White), also lives but he is behind in his rent so Patty De Marco (Sarah Silverman) who is Ned’s girlfriend complains about Dewey.
Then, the telephone rings and he answers the phone. The call is from the principal, Rosalie Mullins (Joan Cusack), of Horace Green Elementary School which is a highly prestigious prep school and she asks Ned to be the substitute teacher. Dewey who is in financial need gets an idea that he passes him off as Ned and that he is to be a substitute teacher in the school.
Thus, he becomes a teacher nicknamed “Mr. S” as Ned but he doesn’t teach anything to students. He just says to students that take a break so they are at a loss and say to him that please teach them, but he repeats that. One day, however, he sees their music class and hears their music so he discovers that some of them in the class have musical talent and decides to give a special school project, which is to take part in “Battle of the Band”. Dewey selects the members of the band. Zack Mooneyham (Joy Gaydos) who is nicknamed "Zack Attack" is the guitarist, Freddy Jones (Kevin Alexander Clark) who is nicknamed "Spazzy McGee" is the drummer, Katie (Rebecca Julia Brown) who nicknamed “Posh Spice” is the bass guitarist, and Lawrence (Robert Tsai) who is nicknamed “Mr. Cool” is the keyboardist. Moreover, Tomika (Maryam Hassan) nicknamed "Turkey Sub", Marta (Caitlin Hale) nicknamed "Blondie", and Alicia (Aleisha Allen) nicknamed "Braceface" are the back-up singers. Also, some students work behind the scene as a security, a roadie, working smoke machine, and groupies. They are absorbed in playing and studying rock and especially, Zack write a original song, “School of Rock”. When Dewey listened to this song, he was exited and was amazed.
Finally, they take part in “The Battle of the Bands” but before that, Dewey’s real identity was revealed, so he was fired. He loses his sense of purpose in the school and in his life. However, the students take him on the way to the contest. He apologizes to them and they rush in the contest. They arriving there, Dewey decides to play not "Legend of the Rent" but “School of Rock” because he think that the song Zack wrote is really cool. Most of bands finish their performance and the time has come. Definitely, Dewey and the students lose but they enjoy own performance, so they are satisfied. Then, the audiences loudly boo. They want School of Rock to play again, that is, they call for an encore, so they play their music again.
In the credit, the students play rock with Dewey and Ned teach how to play the guitar to little children.

I like this movie because I also love rock music. In this movie, so many names and music of famous rock bands and rock musician over the world are used, for example, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, AC/DC, The Who, Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, The Sex Pistols, and so on. I like these bands, so I understand why Dewey teaches that.

2 件のコメント:

Minatuki さんのコメント...

I love Rock!
Rock is my life!
Speaking of Rock, I like "Guitar Freaks & Drummania V4 Rock & Rock"

Ryo さんのコメント...

Yeah! I also love Rock and I like "Guitar Freaks & Drummania V4 Rock & Rock" but I cannot play the game.


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