“Toy Story” is a Disney CG animated movie, which was released in 1995 and is known as a first full-CG cartoon.
Andy (John Morris) like his toys. Woody (Tom Hanks), a cowboy toy, is his favorite toy, so he always play cowboys with his toys. In this story, toys speak and act secretly. Woody is a leader of Andy’s toys and is happy because Andy plays with him but things have changed. Andy’s birthday is coming so he gets a new toy, which is Buzz lightyear (Tim Allen). This toy is the latest action figure so children want him. He has a lot of functions, such as having a laser gun and wings, some buttons, so Andy like him soon. Woody doesn’t like that because thinks he thinks Buzz deprives his business. In fact, Andy prefers Buzz to Woody, so Woody envies Buzz. Then, Woody pushes him from a window. After that, Woody and Buzz are taken by Sid (Erik von Detten), who is a cruel boy. They meet Sid’s toys which are mismatched. In his room, Buzz has a lapse of confidence because he watches TV commercial about himself. He believes strongly that he is a “space ranger”, so he doesn’t listen to what Woody says, but he knows that he is not a “space ranger” but a toy which is made in
This movie is exactly what the title says it is. I think “Toys move and talk in secret” is a dream which everyone has in childhood, thus most of adults also enjoys this movie. What impressed me most is a scene that Buzz knows his real identity. When Buzz who was depressed can fly in the final scene, he says that was falling with style to Woody.
Of course this movie is interesting to adults, but this is still children’s movie. I mean, adults predicts what happen next. For children, this movie is very good because this is a full of dream and adventure, so kids are interested in this film and can learn important things.
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